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Success stories wanted: did you heal and recover from AF? by Sherpa 13 y View Entire Thread 5
I have been on a protocol to cure AF for 9 months now and it has been a lonely, hard and frustrating path. I have made a lot of progress and my energy levels are significantly higher than they were when I began, but it still feels like there is a long way to go!!! I want / need some hope.I would love to hear from anyone who has cured their AF and is back to work, exercise, lovemarking, etc... and living a normal life!How long did it take you to fully recover? How does your new life feel? How are things different from how they used to be? 1,946 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue Dr.Lam's protocol without supplements by rexrayranch
13 y
I hate to not answer a direct question...though I honestly am afraid to answer because you have had so many experts tell you things that made you worse...(I had that too but often before I did the final step they recommended ie surgeries...I wasnt able to follow through immediately and then later it became obvious that their recommendation wasnt going to help me)My oldest daughter does not have AF...but she showed symptoms because she couldnt keep food down and was put on too many strong showed me anyone can get AF if enough stressors are introduced...Anyway what ... 7,582 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue Addisons Disease Chemical Sensitivities Tiny white spots/patches/vitiligo on skin? by Flamengo
13 y
This is really interesting. A friend of mine has had white spots. He went to a ND and his adrenal test came back just like mine. The jnteresting thing is that the ND didnt use the same protocol as mine. Yet his reverse t3 was way higher then mine. Anyways, he had success with red light therapy on the white dots. I also read that white spots could be iron deficiency or b12. So AF is very likely since those deficiencies are linked with AF. What protocol are you following now? 3,309 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue Where do I even begin? I have adrenal fatigue, conges... by rexrayranch
13 y
Information overload is not a good thing but I just have to comment on the headaches. I got terrible headaches and when they started to come less frequently I thought that meant I was getting better but in reality the symptoms were just changing less headaches but more fatigue.You would not believe the number of incorrect diagnoses I got.I also got the weight loss. Though I was exercising and eating fairly well I lost muscle and gained a weird layer of fat. My systems just werent working properly.In hindsight I see the original illness as AF (I eventually saw it as a gla ... 8,297 hits
Forum: Iodine Support Hypothyroid Liver Flush Support Adrenal Fatigue Candida Support Leaky Gut Cortisol brain connection by SeattleTom
13 y
Oddly enough Ive never had a SPECT scan. Around time I learned about the SPECT scan I had already learned that my AF issues were caused by an imprint to my amygdala (the most primal part of the brain) that started before I was born. I was already working on healing from them, so didnt feel I needed the SPECT scan to confirm what I had already learned. If Id known about the SPECT scan years earlier and had gotten one, it probably would have helped me understand my AF and how to heal from it better. Tom 2,864 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue Who has insulin resistance? by indianagirl
13 y
Thats great news! I could say the same about confusing my hypoglycemia and AF crashes. both my AF and hypoglycemia got profoundly worse working with Dr Lam and eating a no Carb diet. Being on RBTI where sugars are encouraged actually improved the severe hypoglycemia quite significantly. So as I am about to switch to Dr Wilsons program Im pretty sure the will want me to cut out carbs and Im nervous it will send me back down that spiral. It was pretty much the most uncomfortable and terrifying 3 months of my life. I really think much of the reason I got so bad was that Lams program was s ... 3,340 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue Help identifying biounavailable copper by thelaughingdogs
13 y
My ceruloplasmin tested in the mid range normal. I was going to do a metal toxicity blood test but blew it off. I had already been detoxing for several months. I just looked at what I ate and assumed I was copper toxic. I have done about 5 months of detoxing copper and other metal off and on and I feel sooo great. I think I am nearing the end of being an AF person. The detox helped me tremendously I think its not only the copper but all the other toxins that built up during AF because your adrenals are a major detox organ. I have now switched to using some kidney support herbs and s ... 3,689 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue Chelation Support Chelation: Cutler Muscle aches and stiffness = Fibromyalgia? by AngelofEventide
13 y
Ive had what doctors like to call fibro for over 15 years. Im no expert, but in my research I think that fibro is a term they give something like you are describing, when they dont know what it is. I think fibro is a symptom of other conditions, i.e. adrenal fatigue, candida, lyme, etc., rather than an actual condition itself. From what Ive read about AF, its quite common to have muscle and joint pain. Im hoping mine will calm down or go away, once I get the AF under control. 3,764 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue Fibromyalgia My condition/symptoms clear: I just need a doctor to ... by Jo86
13 y
yeah a lot of people LOVE theirs as you say, but the last two recommendations didnt help one bit...I really think doctors are either too focused on certain practices to really diagnose and cure whats there; and my approach now is, stop listening to MDs or NDs and their programs, know for SURE what youve got, and then talk to some good doctor and guide them all the way and hear them out on how to repair...Id rather dictate and explain my problem myself as an already self-diagnosed condition.Id never heard of RBTI...seems interesting and promising.If you dont mind, wh ... 1,148 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue Opportunity Cost - or Spoon Theory by AdrenalSuccess
13 y
Its an interesting problem. Spoon theory (now that I have a name for it), is why I hold off with digging into some problems.Thing is in general with our health, were hoping to invest some spoons now, for more later.My GF and I (both with AF) are tired a lot more than others. Were finally getting the new house in order. Im finding it much more enjoyable to be here, and its giving me extra spoons per day, for sure. I get more and deeper rest just hanging out now. Anyway, the investment is worth it, but I wouldnt have done it if a friend hadnt pushed me. But, its t ... 1,203 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue Is it possible AF is a secondary symptom? by thelaughingdogs
13 y
I feel the same as Feo66, AF is caused by a number of stress factors that are piled on. For example my broken mercury tooth was a factor but what really put me over was mental stress on top of that, then maybe not eating healthy all the time etc... If I had recovered at the onset I probably would not have had to detox copper/metal so long. The toxic built up is usually a result of your body not detoxing for a long time as a result of the AF. That is why the longer you have it the harder it is to recover. 1,237 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue Is it possible AF is a secondary symptom? by feo66
13 y
Adrenal Fatigue is always the RESULT of something. Many stressors that add together, or a few large doesnt really matter.Anything that stimulates the sympathetic nervous system. I dont know if IBS or acid reflux can be considered enough of a stressor to exhaust your adrenals or results in sympathetic dominance. If might cause some stress, but there must be some other causesI never had IBS until I had many other symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue. Actually, I had AF for about 6 years before IBS showed up.My gut (no pun intended) tells me that IBS is the result ... 1,295 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue Adrenal fatigue and TCM by halam
13 y
Thanks for answer. Problem which I have with TCM is that I dont know whether I can combine my prefered herbs like licorice, shizandra, jiaogulan, ashwagandha with the herbs I would receive from TCM.Somewhere here on CZ I saw a message that adaptogens will not solve the AF in case kidney is jing or jang deficient. This infomatin was the cause why I started to consider TCM and this information is still confusing me. Is it true with the kidney deficiency and AF?You mentioned: TCM uses mostly herbs and I havent seen anyone here heal with herbs alone. My idea was to rely on TCM to f ... 2,382 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue new to forum help!! by Jo86
13 y
Hey, dont think negative. Two years is nothin, and this forum has gotten way more efficient since when I joined.Read a little here and there, and if you can get that HTMA done. For the indepth report and analysis it is, its honestly rather cheap.Its the only time Ive ever had a report that showed ACTUAL deficiencies in 6 years of AF, as opposed to blood urine etc...tests.Theres more than just hope out there. Theres certain recovery in this day and age, were lucky to have the internet and such knowledgeable, alternative doctors around...especially in North America.Believe ... 1,638 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue Depression Addisons Disease Is AF turning into chronic fatigue? What is the diffe... by indianagirl
13 y
I dont know for sure but what I have deduced from my own bit of reading on the subject is that they both involve adrenal issues, yes, CF is usually accompanied or kicked off with flu like symptoms. Many people with AF also have the Epstein Barr virus, i think there must be some connection there and that the flu like symptoms of CF could be that. But i dont think one can really have one issue and get the other or that one is necessarily worse than the other. I think they may be closely related if not the same thing being put under different labels by different drs. Pain and inflammati ... 1,528 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue Adrenal Fatigue and Mental Illness (Quick Poll) by Faith110
12 y
I do agree that AF does have a very large mental component to it. I was never diagnosed with a mental disorder, but I have always been a bit OCD. A total perfectionist, type A personality who always had to do everything big and would never settle for anything mediocre in my life. I have found that this is a common personality type among AFers.Interestingly enough, I never had anxiety or social issues. If anything, I was overly confident in myself, leading me to repeatedly take on much more responsibility than I was capable of handling at work, home, and in my overall life. Yes, the ... 2,796 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue Anxiety ADD/ADHD Post your NB story! by AskBella
12 y
Yeah, I just cant figure it out.I had a stressful year and was managing it okay but it wasnt until the parasite cleansing that everything started to show up. I wonder had I not done para cleansing would this have happened? Is it parasites that got kicked up or true AF?Was the AF from stress or from all the cleansing? Or the formulas I was using?My body also wasnt eliminating toxins well - Id detox but quickly retox. 3,551 hits
Forum: Nutritional Balancing AF oh the weirdness... by lalobear
12 y
LOL Gatorkea, I can totally relate! I have to contemplate everything I put into my mouth wondering hmmmm....what reaction am I going to get today? New things are terrifying because the potential for SCARY is so great! I was talked into eating at restaurant recently by some friends and tried to have something pretty benign like chicken and rice. Well after the first few bites I knew this was going downhill! It started with a headache and turned into the feeling of creepy crawlies all over my chest all night, sleepless night with bad headache and feeling like bugs were all over me. ... 1,114 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue Drug Induced Adrenal Fatigue! - What do I do now? by Faith110
12 y
I agree with Seattle. A hair mineral analysis is the best way to tell whats going on. In the meantime, if you have no issues with high blood pressure, try upping your intake of a good quality sea salt like the Celtic brand or pink himalayan and see if that makes you feel better. Put some in your drinking water, and salt your food well. This will help you to replenish minerals and balance electrolytes.I would stay away from high potassium foods for now. For months I couldnt tolerate anything high in potassium, as the sodium/potassium ratio is very imbalanced with AF. Usually people wit ... 1,194 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue AF worse when first going off sugar? by jurplesman
12 y
When you withdraw from carbs - refined carbohydrates - you may experience withdrawal symptoms that may worsen the AF. AF is a sign of Hypoglycemia and you should go on a Hypoglycemic Diet . This may cause withdrawal symptoms but this can be reduces by taking Glycerine . 1,389 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue What kind of AF can be cured? by jurplesman
12 y
Has anybody ever thought of he possibility that Adrenal Fatigue (AF) may be related to Hypoglycemia ? It is a common illness that tends to over-produce stress hormones, ultimately leading to AF. 2,720 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue Erectile Dysfunction Dr. Wilson's High Vegetable Diet by purplepixie
12 y
Protein and carb intake are generally at different meals - although my digestion isnt too upset if i have them together.I tend to go by how much my bowels complain of my food combining skills!My Nutritional Balancing practitioner, based on my hair test and being an extremely slow oxidiser - suggested high carb through vegetables, 17% protein, 7% fat - as listed earlier on in the thread.If youre a high oxidiser with adrenal fatigue then certainly high fat/protein diet is best suited...yet for slow oxidisers lots of complex carbs - grains etc and simple carbs like fruit/potatoe ... 9,168 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue Addisons Disease Success! AFS Recovery Report - Month 14 by hypoadrenalgirl
12 y
Hey Sherpa!Great news and most encouraging. But before you disappear as what seems to usually happen with the lucky ones that recover - tell us what effect/role EFT or meditation had in your overall recovery speed? I am currently trying EFT myself and i must say so far, it seems to be the only thing so far that seems to be really helping me make real progress. Im thinking AF is definitely a mind-body issue that needs treatment that focuses on both aspects. Im finding that without even a diet change yet, my hypoglycemia issues are almost resolved since starting EFT, so Im really ... 6,421 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue Medication sensitivity, adrenal fatigue, best flush, ... by Onwards
12 y
Sproket- If you have AF I wouldnt suggest a liver flush. I did over 20 flushes 2 years ago and severely crashed after each one. These will really mess with your electrolytes and not a good idea if they are on the low side. I discovered one year ago that my sodium was 2 and potassium 1.I too was very sensitive to most supplements. I also had CFS or AF for close to 20 years. My body was so toxic I couldnt handle the smallest amounts of added anything. Especially herbs that would kill parasites.How are your bowels working? This would be the first place to start because a clogged bow ... 2,048 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support Adrenal Fatigue I feel much better after 3 days on magnesium by dave505
12 y
Agree with many magnesium deficiency symptoms similar with AF symptoms.Anyone knows somethign about too much magnesium causing damage to the kidney? Ive read somewhere that we excrete excess magnesium through kidney...I tried magnesium with calcium in ARL dose and also separately (by mouth) and after 15 minutes I was bedriden for several hours with a blank mind.I now try oil of magnesium as blanket and D3 drops ( tablets not ok probably ingridients). I have candida, bacteria overgrowth...My understanding from some readings is magnesium could be used by bacteria to produ ... 5,513 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue CFS, ME, CFIDS Depression Antibiotics by dave505
12 y
Ive had also taking cipro like 3 times in the last 2 years. And each times my condition got worst. Besides all the symptoms it impaired immunity letting other undiscovered infections to spread more and got more resistant Each time I took it Ive lost 4-5 kg after and AF like got worst and worst. Not mentioning candida of course.In our hospitals it is really like giving candies to the children. And is cheap right?First crash was 3 years ago after bad pneumonia clarithromicine + NSAID. Leaky gut AF jaundice and so on...Now I have to go to the dentist to fix 2 root canals but I d ... 831 hits
Forum: Nutritional Balancing AF Interesting website worth a read.. by Faith110
12 y
The last time I was in the hospital they did about 15 different scans, including Spect, on my head. I went in for what they thought was a stroke, but turned out to be a wacky combination of a migraine, sodium loss, and the orthostatic hypotension all working together in a disastrous symphony LOL. They found nothing wrong with my brain. No lesions or growths. I dont think its a safe bet to say that AF is the same thing as ME. Im sure that the adrenals are eventually impaired by ME (or any other degenerative disease) for the simple fact that the body is under such duress trying to mai ... 1,845 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue It's 6 Months Gluten-Free and All is Well by Onwards
13 y
AdrenalSuccess- Congratulations! Thanks for sharing your story!I can relate to the gluten link between depression and anxiety. I experienced the exact same thing. In fact I was able to stop all medications for severe anxiety/bipolar disorder when I quit eating all the foods I am intolerant to. I have now been gluten/dairy/grain free free for 4 years.Unfortunately that was not enough to cure the AF in my case. It wasnt until I treated the chronic infections that I had for many, many years without knowing I had these.You are right about finding the root cause of AF. Otherwise it ... 4,620 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue Depression Hypoglycemia Adrenal Fatigue: Diagnosis and Treatment in Toronto by lalobear
13 y
Hi Nelca,I live in the GTA. I know of a medical doctor named Dr. Direnfield who specializes in AF in Scarborough however he is no longer taking new patients. I tried several times practically begging to get in as a new patient to no avail. They wont budge because he has a huge patient load. That tells you how many people are suffering with this. I am almost glad I didnt get in because I now know that I want to take a more natural approach than what he offers.There are Naturpathic Drs who might be able to help to some degree such asDr Natasha Turner. I have spoken to her office but I ... 3,310 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue AF and serotonin by Faith110
13 y
Interesting find Klauss!That actually makes alot of sense. Especially in terms of drugs (both prescription and recreational). I have not met one person with AF that has had any success with SSRIs. Also, in my past life as I call it, I regularly took recreational feel good drugs that are known to increase serotonin in massive amounts. I attributed this to be one of the main contributors to my AF condition.I am about to start a high dose vitamin A protocol for a cervical issue actually. Perhaps it will help more than just my cervix! 1,627 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue The candida connection by Faith110
13 y
I dont see how eating 30 bananas a day could possibly be beneficial to someone with AF, considering that their potassium levels are typically through the roof and sodim levels are depleted. 30 Bananas would only throw tons more potassium on the fire, and would probably lead to kidney issues as well.And as far as the fruit goes, I don;t understand how that diet provides any relief either. The massive amounts of sugar would cause anyone with blood sugar issues (like most people with AF do) to swing so hard that a crash would be inevitable.I think that the people who do those diets d ... 6,076 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue and yet another. Sorry for the length but a lot of gr... by Onwards
13 y
Snobetty- I am so happy you have found this doctor. He seems to be on the ball in trying to find the cause of the AF and not just treating symptoms.I think chronic infections are a huge issue that many would rather not deal with. I am currently in Mexico at a clinic receiving treatments for chronic infections/lyme. The supplementation of vitamins and minerals, changing diet, reducing stress, removing amalgams are all beneficial but will not get rid of a chronic infection.Your doctor understands fow multi-faceted AF is and is approaching it from many different angles.Good for yo ... 6,749 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue Unprocessed Trauma- Your Likely Root Cause by Steve888
13 y
Hi Craig, I totally agree with the idea of processing through the original trauma/s that caused the AF to begin with. I will also add that for most people suffering with AF you have the physically weakened adrenals and parasympathetic nervous system to rebuild as well. All the supplements can be helpful but none will be the magic bullet we have all searched for. As a healer I have found that you can actually directly energize the adrenals by placing your hands over them. Sounds out of the box and crazy but I have seen it work for myself personally. 6,542 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue Candida Support Lyme ("Lime") PTSD Hypothyroid Pregnenolone by ring5100
13 y
Hello. Im a 3 yearer on this forum. In you taking of Pregn. you mentioned hairloss, or male pattern bauldness. Has you hair thinned to and become dryIm a female and just in the past 1.2 years of being stuck in a severe stage of AF, Ive had much thinning of hair, very dry and some loss too. I really hate it being a woman with this problem. Not sure exactly what is causing it, but could be a number of things, in this cascade of AF that has thrown everything off, hormones, vitamins, minerals, the high and low cortisol levels, contributing to high RT3 for so long.What do you ... 2,148 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue Please can anyone tell me if I have Adrenal fatigue? by SeattleK
13 y
It is likely you do. Seriphos alone will also likely not be enough for you to heal. AF recovery is a very long, arduous, and revealing process. You are going to have to heal your whole body. A good start is more rest, clean up your diet, reduce stress, and light exercise. Beyond that, nutritional balancing is a good full body AF program.Good luck, dont look for a shortcut to a quick recovery because it wont work,I say this out of experience. Seriphos may be a good start for you, but without knowing more about your body its hard to say. 1,082 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue Gloomy Days by Faith110
13 y
You are not alone Lalobear. I too have worse symptoms on rainy days. Even before I had full blown AF I used to get headaches and feel less energetic. I think it does have something to do with vitamin D, but more so the change in atmospheric pressure that affects our bodies. And we with AF are already soooo sensitive. I also attribute it to my candida coming out to play. The little bstards just love a damp and soggy environment. And living in Florida I sometimes feel like a poor old salmon with one fin and half a tail trying to swim upstream when it comes to that issue. 1,267 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue Finally, Adrenal Fatigue it is then... by lalobear
13 y
Lilarose,Dont ever let anyone tell you AF does not exist. Its a travesty that mainstream medicine treats us this way. They will only aknowledge you if you have Addisons which is total adrenal failure but they dont recognize those of us that dont have adrenal failure but have adrenals that are functioning poorly. I think NB could really help you. I am dealing with terrible hypoglycemia and fatigue too. I agree with Onwards as far as what options you have to look into. Learn as much as you can about eating a good diet for AF and start now to stabilize your blood sugar a little while ... 1,190 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue Estrogen and Adrenal Fatigue by Faith110
12 y
I agree. Hormones are so delicate that the slightest little imbalance will throw them off. Looking back, even before AF my hormones started going awry years ago. Acne, menstrual irregularities, horrendous PMS. It all started happening when I was a teenager after taking one round of depo, then coming off it and getting pregnant, losing the pregnancy, then going on the pill for a month to supposedly balance me out. The pill made me feel suicidal, and after only taking it for a month I went through weeks of depression and crying constantly for no reason. Doctor said it was post pregnanc ... 3,034 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue Endocrine Disorders Has anyone had a consultation with this guy?? by Faith110
13 y
Thanks hotswap. Thats what I suspected when I went to his site and saw all fitness testimonials. His articles on AF and candida were pretty thorough, and that is what got me interested initially. I figured that since I hadnt heard of him here in the forums (unlike Lam, Wilson, etc) that he probably wasnt going to be a standout, but I had to ask. Im definitely not in an early stage of AF either, so I think Ill save my money from this guy. Thanks for the heads up! 1,494 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue Adrenal Fatigue by SeattleK
13 y
Histamine levels? toxicity or another hidden heavy metal will not be resolved with many AF protocols that just focus on supporting the adrenals when really the adrenals are often just the victims of another problem in your body. Find the other problem. I have made steady recovery on a nutritional balancing program and am just now thinking that histamine levels are my missing link. If your histamins are low then the folate described above will be great - if your histamines are too high then it will be disast ... 1,623 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue
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