FCBA [licensed for non-commercial use only] (2024)

Avril Lavigne
(35, 5’2, 39:14 FCBA, The Dollhouse)
Natalie Alyn Lind
(21, 5’5, 16:6 FCBA, Foxfire Boxing)

Results: Lookout!; Story: Caspian & The Dollhouse

Another exciting fight lined up on the Doll Ball tonight as Avril Lavigne takes on former JMD champion Natalie Alyn Lind, and so soon as well, after her recent victory over fellow singer Normani a mere two weeks ago. Lavigne not letting the tight schedule affect her, however, as she giggles with energy from the press table during the pre-fight segment:

"I'm coming off two great wins, and I'm feeling totally confident tonight. Natalie? She's alright.” Avril sarcastically says with a dismissive gesture of her hand. “She fights in Bantam, right? Yeah, that's SO scary! I mean, didn't she lose to McNamara like two months ago? And didn't I just BEAT that redhead b*tch? Most of Natalie’s wins are those dumb JMD fights anyway, like all the other trashy, big boobed bimbos in the league - she should stick to that. All it's going to do for her tonight is give me some huge targets to aim for!” Avril pauses the action to snort out loud. “I know it's not JMD rules tonight, but I'm totally f*cking up her boobs!" The Doll ends with a loud giggle.

Natalie caught squirming as she hears these comments from across the table, looking nonplussed as she pushes her blonde hair back multiple times and glances away from some of the laughter erupting in the room. Later however, when it’s finally her turn to speak, she’s managed to steel herself and bite back:

"I mean, sure. You're pretty good, Av. But everyone here knows I'm just a better version of you. I'm younger, hotter, bigger, stronger. Should I really keep going? I WAS a freakin’ champion. Were you ever a champion in this league? Nah. I don’t think so.” Natalie smiles at the clearly annoyed fellow Canadian. “Your friend, Bella, undoubtedly the Dollhouse's best fighter, needed 9 rounds to put me down and she's 5’8! Not to mention I knocked out your *other* 5'8 friend, Ginny. Do you really think YOUR short, fat ass can do better? I fight real Bantams, baby. Seriously? You look so fragile. I'd love to see you try tonight! And I know you're not exactly… "adequately equipped" either,” Natalie continues to pile on to Avril’s troubles with a wry chuckle. “Definitely not enough to participate in our awesome JMD bouts. Poor thing. But if you really wanna go THAT route, I'll totally play along later. Just remember – I’M the former JMD champion here, b*tch. You're going to seriously regret touching my chest."

Strong words and even stronger pushback as the two ladies have to be separated at the podium. If Avril’s considered baseline toxic, imagine having someone like Natalie meeting her face-to-face and the house being brought down. The two girls had erupted from their seats right after the comments were done, escalating their verbal sparring to more shouts and rude gestures. Thankfully, the ring officials were quick to get in between the verbal match, herding both ladies back to their respective doors and saving the action for later tonight.

Doll Ball territory means the honoured guest enters the arena first, as Natalie bursts onto stage in a white bikini top and red hot pants, waving black gloves to the audience. The 21-year-old former champ already has a long and illustrious career for someone her age, and will be banking on her short and sweet power to dictate the action. Let’s not forget, she’s a good three-inches taller than Ms Lavigne, who emerges next in a shower of golden streamers. The Dollhouse Queen is looking energetic for her age, striding down the ramp to the background of hard rock music, and wearing her usual black/pink sports bra and short shorts.

Referee not wasting much time on the preamble - it’s clear both ladies want to jump into the action and start punching tit*. There’s the bell and HERE we go with ten rounds of Bantamweight action!

Kinda unexpected, but Avril opts to play it safe at the opening bell, keeping back and holding her arms close to her chest. All that smack talk from earlier now silent - make no mistake: the Doll’s a wiley and intelligent fighter at the end of the day. She jabs at Natalie’s head from afar, landing shots clean to the face as the bigger and taller girl comes in close to brawl. Of course, Natalie would want to dictate terms, close distance and blow Avril off her feet, but Lavigne wisely sticks to the fringes of the ring to avoid such a fate. That doesn’t stop Natalie from trying, of course, as Lind continues rushing at her with hook combos and then powerful crosses that only hit the arms, with Lind growing frustrated by the minute as Avril refuses to get pinned down. Lavigne switches targets to the chest and tummy towards the end of the round, fulfilling a promise she made earlier as she smirks back at Natalie’s screwed up face in pain. Wide round to the Doll, who looks like she’s on fire in there.

Lind however switches her strategy and plows a clean hand into Avril’s guard early on, stunning the singer very briefly. Avril employs the same tactics as the previous round but now has to deal with Natalie’s long-range jabs as well. Two can play at that game, Natalie seems to shout, as she lands long-range punches back in tandem, with Lavigne wincing and grunting more often as more fists snag her on the cheek or body. Natalie ain’t playing around either as she begins to play catch up, her reach advantage meaning Avril has to expend more effort in order to get close enough to attack, before having to pull out just in time to avoid a counterattack, and she ain’t always successful. Natalie scores another flurry late in the round, grazing the chin, and a few more punches poking the chest, returning the favour as Avril lets out a squeal of outrage and covers up. Wide smirk on Natalie’s face on her way back to corner - this round surely highlighted the former JMD champ in action!

Avril now has trouble maintaining her dominance - she doesn’t want to get in close to brawl; neither is she able to compete long-range with her taller foe. What’s a Doll to do? She performs a mixture of unpredictable moves, rushing in fast one moment and blitzing Natalie to the body and arms, before the next circling back out and keeping the blonde away with her jabs. Before long, however, Lind detects her pattern, is ready and waiting with a left hand delivered straight to Avril’s face, and then another good night kiss of a hook lands SMACK into the face just as Avril comes sailing in… AND DOWN THE DOLL GOES!! Holy-! Lavigne gets caught by surprise by that wicked combination, leaving her groaning on all fours in a flash!

KNOCKDOWN for Natalie Alyn Lind in flash fashion, the Foxfire starlet smirking confidently as she kisses her gloves on her way back to the neutral corner. But Avril ain’t done yet, the Doll pushing herself back up bit by bit, shaking her head at the referee who asks her if she wants to stop at the count of 8. Round resumes and Natalie dictates the action for the rest of the minute, chasing after Lavigne and trying to knock her down again, to no avail. Lavigne keeps her cool but not before taking more punishment to her chest and body as she runs for the hills. Bad news for the Canadian singer if she can’t make up her mind like this going forward.

More JMD action as Natalie rushes in at her injured foe repeatedly, wanting to put the Doll away in dominant fashion. Avril clearly on the defensive, using her arms to block the incoming shots and keeping her head low to avoid another knockdown attempt. Natalie scores big points throughout, lets out another shout of victory as she focuses on punishing the older woman’s breasts in a continuous stream of jabs, shooting punches in between Avril’s guard and then ending with tight hooks that snag the side-boob. Thankfully then, Avril somehow manages to stay alive, her opponent’s obsession with her chest meaning she loses this round but manages to stave off disaster overall. Avril’s body must be throbbing at this point but she recollects herself in the final seconds, delivering a series of snap punches to the winded blonde’s face, Natalie suddenly getting stopped in her tracks as her head’s bounced back several times.

Overall strategy might be working in Avril’s favour come the mid-point of this match, Natalie looking too exhausted to charge in like last time. Avril slowly regains her own energy and confidence, starts raining blows on her foe’s head and body like it’s her turn to play catch-up. Natalie groans as another one-two combo’s shoved into her lips, then her chest explodes as Lavigne flattens both boobs with a two-part bombing run. Lind gets pushed backwards, this time powerless to stop the smaller woman from dictating the action. One or two hooks are returned from Natalie, but deftly dodged, Avril focused enough to duck or swerve under before snapping another straight hand up into the blonde’s chin, wobbling Lind towards the end of the round. But it’s gonna take much more to fell this giant, as Natalie grits her teeth and growls back another insult as the bell sounds.

All-out slug fest as both fighters want to put the other girl away. First minute sees more jug-mauling action as they inadvertently close in on each other and then find themselves within chest-punching distance. You can hear both groans and yelps erupting from the ring as they take turns torquing fists into each other’s chests, letting gloves fly in harsh side-swipes across the breasts or uppercuts knocking those orbs skywards. Someone tell these women that this ain’t a JMD contest, goddammit! Ultimately, Avril’s the one who’s losing this exchange, which is kind of understandable given the fact she’s going up against the former JMD champion herself, with Natalie gleefully landing more powerful chest shots than her counterpart, then going after Avril’s vulnerable body in low-swinging thud thud thuds. Lavigne’s regretting her decisions now, in big trouble, the older blonde has had more than enough of this lopsided exchange as she goes scrambling backwards in retreat, AND HERE COMES NATALIE!!! She wants to finish this now! Swinging wildly at Lavigne’s shaky guard….Avril in full flight mode, BARELY dodges a huge swing to her face with some nice head movement but she… AND NATALIE IS ROCKED!!! DEAR LORD! The punk-princess STEPS in out of nowhere, surprising Natalie with a perfectly executed cross to the chin that completely wobbles the younger Canuck, stopping her in her tracks here AND AVRIL GOES TO TOWN! Lavigne knows it’s now or never, goes completely BERSERK on the stunned blonde’s face with wild reckless swings meant to finish this fight off right here and now!

Poor Natalie’s head snapped every direction as Lavigne lands several bombs to her face, Natalie doing her best to cover up but it’s n…BIG BLONDE DOWN!!! The crowd goes absolutely wild here as Lind’s legs betray her, the Foxfire star CRASHES to the mat sprawled on her back, completely stunned, starring at the arena ceiling, her impressive chest heaving rapidly. Lavigne on her part not doing much better here folks, the Doll collapsing to all fours in exhaustion after the abuse she’s taken and energy spent to finally bring Natalie down. Natalie still barely moving, but the referee CANONT start the count here folks as Avril seems to be having some difficulties reaching the correct neutral corner. Lavigne crawling on all fours as the crowd cheers in both amusem*nt and confusion, knowing she has to reach her corner or risk allowing Natalie extra recovery time, but the singer is too disoriented to know where she even is! Comically crawling towards a random corner, which happens to be Natalie’s, preventing the referee from starting the count and allowing Lind more precious seconds! Oh dear!

Kristanna Loken to the rescue! Loken running around the ring, coming to a stop behind the farthest neutral corner and screaming at her fighter in an attempt to help guide Lavigne in the direction of her voice! Thankfully… it seems to be working! Lavigne finally manages to correct herself, now finally crawling in the right direction towards her trainer, panting heavily the entire way before finally reaching her destination, wilting against the corner post in utter exhaustion.

It’s good enough for the ref though as he finally begins the count after more than 20 seconds of delay! Is Natalie getting up from that?! The Dollhouse camp better hope not, because by the looks of things, we’re not sure Lavigne would survive another round banging with the Foxfire blonde here tonight.

Bad news for the Foxfire camp however, as Lind does not seem to have made much progress during those precious extra seconds. But the sound of the count seems to have awoken her somewhat, much to Lavigne’s visible dismay - the young Foxfire blonde groaning as she rolls to her side, trying to re-orientate herself mid-ring, trying to find the ropes. But the referee’s counting above her just growing too fast and too loud. Natalie is able to reach the ropes crawling, but Lavigne’s last head barrage has done too much damage it seems! 8….9…..Natalie is trying to pull herself up to her knees using the middle rope, but she is WAY too slow and clumsy. 10! IT’S OVER IN SHOCKING FASHION!

Official Decision: Avril Lavigne defeats Natalie Alyn Lind via KO6!

Natalie letting go of the ropes, letting herself sink to the mat again in unfortunate defeat as Avril and her camp let out a huge sigh of relief. The Doll manages a tired looking half-smile, raising one gloved hand high to acknowledge her win to the sound of her fans chanting “AV-RIL! AV-RIL! AV-RIL!”.

Medical teams from both camps quickly flood the ring as both women are in obvious need of assistance, with Avril being slowly helped to her stool while Natalie requiring a few more long minutes before she’s finally sitting down in her corner.

Smiling smugly at her defeated opponent from across the ring, Avril probably knows trying anything at this point won’t be a smart idea despite her tendency to do so. She removes her gloves, content with just flipping Natalie off before shouting “Hurt your head Nat!? The bigger they are the harder they fall BITCCCCHH!”.

Natalie on her part remains silent, b*tch-staring at the gloating Doll from across the ring and surely already plotting the next time these two explosive blondes meet. But until then…

A big win for Lavigne here tonight as she once again proves she can take down some of the bigger girls thanks to her raw talent alone. A disappointing “almost” for the young Natalie, who’ll be left with a lot to think about after getting careless in there tonight.

Avril is the first to leave the ring, gets approached by reporters asking her about her stablemate Emma’s title shot at the end of the month, which seems to irritate the victorious singer.

“What-everrr. I don’t CARE if she gets a SHOT at the title.” An infuriated Lavigne blurts, not sounding very convincing if you ask us. “She has to win it for it to matter. And she’s not going to. Natalie is gonna f*ck her up. OK?! And the next time she dares to step in the ring with me again, I’ll f*ck her up even more. And she knows it. Now leave me alone.”

Seems like despite her attempts to hide her true feelings - Lavigne is less than thrilled about her in-house rival getting a shot at the title before her, considering Avril’s meteoric FCBA rise in the last 3 years.

And speaking of her rival….Roberts herself is going up next against Johansson here on the Doll Ball in her last preparation bout before her big shot at the title! You DON’T want miss it folks! Stay tuned!

FCBA [licensed for non-commercial use only] (2024)


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Non-Commercial Use means any use or activity where a fee is not charged and the purpose is not the sale of a good or service, and the use or activity is not intended to produce a profit.

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“Non-Commercial,” (or NC) means that any copy or derivative of the licensed work cannot be “... primarily intended for or directed towards commercial advantage or monetary compensation.” Doing so would be an infringement of the Creative Commons license.

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“Non-commercial home use only” means that whatever it is can only be used by a private individual in their own home without receiving any kind of payment for using whatever it is.

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Non-commercial use encompasses a wide range of exciting possibilities—including artistic, educational, scholarly, and personal projects that will not be marketed, promoted, or sold.

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Non-Commercial Usage

You are working on a product or service that you are providing for free and not receiving any monetary compensation for. You are working on an open-source project in an altruistic manner and are not getting paid a salary.

What is an example of commercial and non-commercial? ›

Commercial establishments include fast-food and full-service restaurants, catering, and nightclubs and recreational outlets. All these are focused primarily on providing food and earning a profit. Noncommercial outlets exist inside of organizations such as hospitals, schools, nursing homes, and military bases.

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Commercial vehicles are used for business purposes and must be registered with the DMV. Personal vehicles, on the other hand, are used for personal, non-business purposes and do not have to be registered with the DMV.

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Fair use permits a party to use a copyrighted work without the copyright owner's permission for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research. These purposes only illustrate what might be considered as fair use and are not examples of what will always be considered as fair use.

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Commercial use is a legal term that defines the use of certain merchandise, tools or intellectual property for financial gain. A business can use anything labeled for commercial use for its purposes, including resale, production of other goods and tools and marketing.

What is meant by non-commercial activities? ›

A non-commercial (also spelled noncommercial) activity is an activity that does not, in some sense, involve commerce, at least relative to similar activities that do have a commercial objective or emphasis.

What is the difference between commercial and noncommercial software license? ›

A commercial license typically allows you to use the software for commercial purposes, while a non-commercial license restricts usage to non-commercial or personal use. If you are using the software for commercial purposes, then a commercial license is probably the best option.

Why would someone use non-commercial license? ›

Additionally, the non-commercial license is useful for preventing someone else from capitalizing on an author's work when the author still plans to do so in the future. The non-commercial licenses have also been criticized for being too vague about which uses count as "commercial" and "non-commercial".

What does word non-commercial use mean? ›

"Commercial" in this sense means "an activity that generates profit." So, if you have "non-commercial" rights to use something then you're allowed to use it but you can't use it in order to make money.

What is the legal definition of non-commercial? ›

“NonCommercial means not primarily intended for or directed towards commercial advantage or monetary compensation.”

What is commercial and non-commercial use? ›

Items for sale are commercial. Items that are not for sale, such as gifts, are non-commercial.

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"Non-commercial use" indicates that you are running a version which isn't licensed for a commercial business.

What is a non-commercial item? ›

Solutions not available commercially and developed specifically for government that do not meet the definition of commercial items such as tactical gear, weapons, military training courses, etc.


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Name: Madonna Wisozk

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Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.